Type in Two Days Seminar with our City EC2 centres

This is a two-day seminar run by our City EC2 centres. It is for everyone who is frustrated by how long it takes to type an email, letter or report. If you believe that it takes too long to learn to type properly, then this course is for you!


The average two finger typist keys in at about 15 words a minute. A competent touch typist would easily achieve over 60 words a minute. Simple arithmetic tells you that someone keyboarding for an hour a day could save between 15 and 20 days (yes, days!) a year simply by increasing from15 words to 30 words a minute.

This two-day seminar can be held at our City EC2 centres and is for everyone who is frustrated by how long it takes to type an email, letter or report. If you believe that it takes too long to learn to type properly, then this course is for you.


The objectives of this seminar are: -

  • To explain how Accelerated Learning works and how it has been used to teach you to touch type – fast;
  • To overcome your barriers to learning this essential skill;
  • To have you touch typing (i.e. not looking at the keyboard) all the letters of the alphabet within two days;
  • To build your speed to its maximum you can achieve within the time allowed;
  • To give you the strategies and the tools to further build your speed once you return to work;

You will learn: -

  • How to sit properly when typing to help avoid RSI and back pain;
  • The correct fingers to use for each letter of the alphabet;
  • How to get rid of your existing bad habits;
  • The strategies needed to build your typing speed up;
  • How to practice once you return to your place of work and at home;
  • To type properly!

“The word ‘thanks’ really seems so small compared with the tremendous improvements we have noticed in our staff that have completed Pitman’s Teeline and Fast Track Typing courses.  Please pass our thanks to all members of your team at Pitman Training for their professionalism and excellent customer service.  We would like to commend all your trainers for sharing their wealth of experience and skills with our staff. We would be happy to use your organisation again and would certainly recommend your services to others”.


Hackney Social Services


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